first what do you know about fma token? is it because the value is very high, yes maybe that’s one of them fma is known to many people.but from that, not many people know about the origin of the fma token, you need to know before changing the name to this fma called crashswap token or CSP
why do we change the name from csp to fma??
because at the time of our csp there were many mistakes.
of the smart contract, decimal and most severe errors were when the team missed
because there are a lot of hold csp and sell them
which resulted in the price of csp dropped dramatically and was worthless. Since that incident the team is very depressed not only because the CSP price has dropped dramatically but the team has experienced very painful accusations, the team in slander has deceived the investors.
He said the Indonesian project would not progress if it was only to deceive investors
even though our goal is not that.
After all these events the team did not give up and wanted to prove that the Indonesian project was not just a scamer. After that, the team made another token with the hands of professionals, named follow my account (FMA).
Now, with the creation of FMA tokens, the team got up and again offered FMA tokens to investors.
But offering FMA to investors who have been hurt is not as easy as we think. The team has a hard time selling these FMA tokens, fortunately with cold hands and clever thinking Mr. Nando Dejave the investors want to buy these FMA tokens. then fma token listing on
day by day after listing on the fma token still hasn’t increased, At that time the team was confused about how to attract public attention to buy this fma token.
in times of such circumstances, it boooms big problems unexpectedly by the team the problem is that there is a team that sells a large number of tokens and withdraws liqudity on which makes FMA the same as CSP before.
There the team was very panicked and angry with the traitor, the team does a g-meet to discuss the traitor’s problem.
Again and again, with Pak Nando Dejvae shrewdness and clever thinking he was able to win over the team that was in chaos at that time.
and he told us another new strategy to get fma back on his feet, and the team agreed with the idea.
Tomorrow morning, the team clarified the problem that occurred that night to investors, namely that there was a traitor in the FMA team.
and investors understand it.
even so the team must work hard to make fma rise again, and thank you for Pak Nando Dejave hard and brilliant team. Within 2 months the price of FMA reached a high of around 500 $
maybe that’s a little story from the struggle of the FM team, to show that the Indonesian project is not a fraud
if you are interested in buying fma tokens
you can buy it here :
or in our we