First, I would like to thank the investors who have supported the FMA project until now.
maybe this is the time for us to return the favor to investors by announcing that there will be great news from the founders of trx which will make trx coin prices soar and have a big impact on fma tokens.
maybe investors here are asking whether the effect of the trx coin will increase and what is the relationship with COMPETITION ADD LIQUIDITY In FMA TOKEN ??
So this is how we see the current TRX price gradually going up, maybe by buying and holding the TRX that has been bought until Justin Sun (CEO of Trx) announces good news which will make the TRX price go up 20% for example and you can only get 20% profit, no more no less.
However, it is different when you buy TRX now and buy FMA tokens and continue to participate in competitions to increase liquidity, then you will get 3x the profit.
How come? because by buying fma tokens and participating in contests increasing its liquidity, you will get 3x the profit.
because first, the price of fma rises which makes your trx a lot, secondly from token trading transaction fees, thirdly the price increase in trx price is due to news from the founder of trx.
For example, you buy 30000 trx for Rp. 400, then you buy 1 FMA at 13000 trx, then you add liquidity with a pair of 1 FMA and 13000 TRX.
Now, when the FMA price rises to 15,000 Trx and the installed Liquidity becomes 0.995 FMA and 1400 TRX and the TRX price becomes IDR 450, how much profit will you get? a lot, right? Not to mention that later you will get a prize from the FMA contest with a total of 6 FMA prizes for 3 winners. therefore don’t waste this opportunity.
Buy FMA TOKEN here :
Official Website FMA TOKEN :
“ Beware Fake FMA TOKEN at justswap Follow the link down below to buy and add liquidity to FMA Token ”
I think that’s all for This information to all holder FMA TOKEN about the progress of the fma token development.
Thanks you.
Best regard
Fma team